
Posts Tagged ‘fat loss’

Weight loss

December 27, 2010 Leave a comment

Christmas has passed and I feel a bit over weight, I am always seated at work, winter it’s not really good to run or bike and even swimming, what I was doing once a week, I’m not good anymore to stick with.

Since two or three weeks I’m asking my self why I’m not able to stick with a commitment like say “go swimming once a week” or “run two evenings a week for 30 minutes”. It’s not easy to manage all the things to do every day, your job, play with your son, declutter your house, dealing with some dates or other commitments.

So I will start from my diet, some principles I would like to apply to it are:

  1. keep hunger
  2. don’t satisfy the moment greed but think when you feel better, more ‘in shape’, more slim…
  3. think of what are your meal composed of, especially if you are eating snacks, sweets and so on
  4. when you have a snack find better alternatives to fat food like: fruits, nuts, vegetables
  5. during meals eat more vegetables, fruits and less carbs

I have prepared some assignments referring previous principles, this are assignment for myself but it doesn’t mean that you couldn’t follow them:

  • for breakfast substitute cookies with fruits
  • keep hunger between meals until you hear some stomach noise and maybe have a little of headache. Than keep hunger for at least half an hour before eating
  • In the evening don’t eat too much at dinner, don’t eat sugar, cookies and milk and eat at least two hours before go to bed
  • every time you look at a snack please visualize the following image thinking of the impact it will have on your life, think at all the things being overweight can prevent you to do with your family, your son, your wife and so on.

I started talking about not being able to stick with a commitment, this is a common issue for many peoples. In the case of fat loss I find helpful remember why I’m not eating a snack. I want to fell better with myself, feel in shape, have the possibility to play with my son as many days as I can and enjoy all the things life will bring to me.

I will write my updates on my weight… today I’m 88 kg.



12-27-2010 – I can’t resist and eat my mother’s chocolate cake this evening.

12-29-2010 – My mom’s chocolate cake is finished!

12-30-2010 – For breakfast only fruits, no croissant!